This best part of a campaign is getting out to meet neighbors, learning about their interests, and working together to strengthen our community.  Please JOIN US in this work. We would love to have your help in our campaign to do that on behalf of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District.  Your support will help us get to know, and get out the word about Terry, to the 46,000 voters in Trustee Area 5, which covers Palo Alto and Stanford.

Please use the buttons to the right to JOIN US in the campaign working as a core team member, volunteering to distribute literature and talk with our neighbors, and planting a lawn sign (when they're available in August).  

We would be honored to have your Endorsement as a statement of you support of Terry and her commitment to our students and to Foothill-De Anza. Please use the ENDORSE button at right.

We're grateful for your interest and support.


Will you sign up?